An enlarged meeting of ministers of justice from the Visegrád Group’s member countries and Croatia is taking place in Veszprém between 5 and 7 May.

On the first day of the meeting, the participants – which include the four Visegrád countries of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, alongside Croatia – are going to sign the agreement on judicial training which forms the basis of international education for judges and public prosecutors. The topic is one of the Hungarian EU Presidency’s priorities. Hungary’s objective is to further strengthen regional cooperation in this field, thanks to which joint seminars, e-learning programmes and exchanges can take place in the short-term.

The V4 meeting on Friday will be supplemented by Germany and Slovenia in addition to Croatia, and a number of its agenda points are strongly linked to EU justice issues; it will discuss – among other things – the EU Regulation on Succession, use of the European Investigation Order in criminal cases, and cooperation regarding company registration and legal assistance. At the end of the sessions, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Polish Minister of Justice, will present to participants the priorities of the Polish EU presidency, which starts on 1 July 2011.

Between the sessions the participants will visit the Herend Porcelain Manufactory, and will see the sights of Veszprém, which is presently hosting the events known as Gizella Napok (‘Giselle Days’).
