Government Commissioner Dr. András Levente Gál has initiated a preparatory meeting with representatives of Jewish religious communities concerning the system for payment of subventions.
Major changes have taken place in the organisation of Jewish religious communities in Hungary since the creation in 1998 of agreements on church subventions, and on 1 January 2012 the new Act on Churches adopted by Parliament will come into effect.
At the Jewish Community Round Table meeting on 22 September 2011, in relation to re-examination of the issue Dr. András Levente Gál said that negotiations should start between the Jewish religious communities. Recognising the changed situation, the Alliance of Hungarian Jewish Communities of Faith (MAZSIHISZ) made a proposal after the September meeting of the Round Table, but the parties could not agree on the rights and method of payment.
As a result, the Government Commissioner has initiated discussions with the three Jewish religious communities listed in the new Act, as well as with representatives of Hungarian Reform Judaism, who have applied for registration under the Act; in a letter Péter Feldmájer indicated that he would not be able to take part, partly because of the short notice given.
The parties agreed to hold official talks on 14 December 2011, in which, for the sake of completeness, all documents created so far related to subventions will be reviewed; any differences of opinion will be discussed, and in the light of this the range of standpoints on the distribution of subventions will be determined.
8 December 2011, Budapest
Signatories: Egységes Magyarországi Izraelita Hitközség (the United Hungarian Jewish Community of Faith); Magyarországi Autonóm Orthodox Izraelita Hitközség (the Hungarian Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community of Faith); Szim Salom progresszív Zsidó Hitközség (Sim Shalom Progressive Jewish Congregation); Dr. András Levente Gál, Government Commissioner.
(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)