A declaration on a coordinated, effective anti-corruption state action plan has been signed by Deputy Prime Minister for Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics, President of the Hungarian State Audit Office László Domokos, President of the Supreme Court András Baka and Chief Prosecutor Péter Polt.

Signatories to the declaration have made personal moral commitments to strengthening resistance to corruption within their institutions, and to the development of the most up-to-date means in pursuing this cause. While giving due regard to the independence of organs within the justice system, the parties to the declaration have laid down that they will take coordinated steps in the prevention and suppression of corruption, and to this end will consult with each other and strive to develop a network of co-operation with the involvement of their partner organisations and other state organs. Tibor Navracsics, initiator of the co-operation, pointed out in his speech that corruption is the greatest danger hidden within Hungarian democracy, and without co-ordinated action by the State the problem can only be handled by ad hoc solutions. The Deputy Prime Minister added that the current agreement is unprecedented both in Hungary and internationally. He underlined that he will give due regard to the independence of institutions. Péter Polt said that the agreement is unique, adding that for effective measures against corruption we need to attain consensus and co-operation. László Domokos said that in anti-corruption policy we need to have a preventative approach, and that investigation on its own is not enough. As Mr. Baka was on an official trip abroad, he had signed the declaration beforehand. The President of the Supreme Court was represented at the signing ceremony by György Wellmann, Director of the Civil College of the Supreme Court, who expressed the hope that other state organs will join in the agreement.

It is the task of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice to coordinate government institutions’ anti-corruption measures. In the Ministry a governmental corruption prevention programme and an action plan are being prepared, and these are expected to be the subject of public consultation beginning at the end of this year.

The ceremony was attended by the following dignitaries: Her Excellency Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis, Ambassador of the United States; His Excellency Gregory John Dorey, Ambassador of the United Kingdom; His Excellency Robert Milders, Ambassador of the Netherlands; Arnaud Steyer, Attaché of the Republic of France; and Andrea Nasi, Ambassadorial Adviser to the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria.

(Press Office, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)