The nations of Central-Europe can only flourish if they unite their efforts and resources, coordinate their measures and settle any issues that may emerge from time to time directly, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Pubic Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said in Lódz on Friday during his visit to Poland.

The Deputy Prime Minister met with former Polish Justice Minister and old friend Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, and then, accompanied by the leaders of the city and voivodeship laid a wreath at the memorial plaque that commemorates the help provided by the inhabitants of the city for Hungarians during the 1956 revolution.

Tibor Navracsics stressed that direct and strong friendly relations tie Poland and Hungary together; however, the forging of direct and strong personal relations constitutes the pledge of the survival of these. He referred to the Europe-wide Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes called to life during last year’s Polish EU Presidency at a Hungarian initiative as one of the prime achievements of personal relations. The Member States of the European Union celebrate this on 23 August.

During his two-day visit to Poland, on Thursday Tibor Navracsics inaugurated in Torum in North-Poland a commemorative plaque in memory of the Polish assistance provided during and after the 1956 Hungarian revolution.

At the press conference dedicated to Polish-Hungarian cooperation, Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of the city announced that the day of Hungarian-Polish friendship will be celebrated in 2015 in Lódz, Szeged’s twin town. Tadeusz Kaczor, Hungary’s Honorary Consul to Lódz rendered an account of the live twin town relations between Lódz and Szeged. He specifically drew attention to the fact that a monument dedicated to 7 Polish pilots shot down in their planes in the neighbourhood during World War II will be unveiled in Szeged in September.
