Today in Szentgotthárd participants at the fourth sitting of the Hungary – Slovenia Cross-border Joint Committee discussed issues affecting the region’s infrastructure and rural development, cooperation in agriculture, joint action on environmental protection, present and planned links in tourism and culture, and the possibilities for economic cooperation.

The Hungarian delegation was led by Dr. Rudolf Virág, Deputy Minister of State at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and Chairman of the Committee’s Hungarian membership; the Slovenian delegation was led by his counterpart on the Committee, Roman Lavtar, a senior official from the Slovenian Ministry of Justice and Public Administration.

Participants heard reports on the results of the 2012 Work programme.

One of the main themes in the cross-border region that participants discussed was amendment to the LEADER programme on possible cross-border links and developments. The EUROCITIES European Regional Association was also presented.

The Committee’s first sitting was on 26 November 2009 in Lendava (Lendva), and since then it has met annually, alternating between Slovenia and Hungary. Its goal is promotion of cross-border cooperation between local and regional governments and public administration bodies. In the course of its activities it identifies opportunities for promoting cooperation and eliminating legal and administrative obstacles causing problems on both sides of the border.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)