Péter Mihalovics, Ministerial Commissioner for the Coordination of the programme For the Future of the New Generation, recalled that the New Generation Plus Programme aims to establish a system of youth support institutions, develop a uniform communication platform for the age group and extend youth services. “I am confident that the system will be operable in the long run to coordinate the work of the public and private sectors, which will be able to reinforce each other’s work for young people and the new generation”, the Ministerial Commissioner emphasised.

Approved by the Government a year ago, the New Generation Programme will be implemented to make youth more committed to public life and the future of Hungary.

As part of the Youth Policy Framework Programme, the Contact Point Bureaus will be set up as part of the New Generation Plus Project in 19 counties and two locations in Budapest, and some 60 professionals across the country will be helping youth with online and offline services, as well as individual and collective counselling. The bureaus will also offer career guidance, life management, further training, self-knowledge, legal and employment counselling.  To date, 6 bureaus have started operations across the country.

The New Generation Plus Project will rely on three billion forints of EU funds in the financing period which lasts until 31 January 2015. Of the three billion forints available for the New Generation Plus Programme, one billion will be spent on the establishment of an office network and the employment of local staff for an 18 month period.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)