On 11 December 2011, as part of a closing conference organised for International Human Rights Day, the independent Roma organisation Phralipe assessed the outcomes of the programme aimed to give support to the victims of the racist murders which claimed the lives of several Roma individuals. Ágnes Daróczi, Vice-chair of the organisation, reminded the audience of the most relevant parts of the aid process, and the main elements of the housing support process. Press Release.

Approximately 100 people took part in the conference, among them relatives of the victims, regional Phralipe representatives, mayors, and representatives of Hungarian and international sponsors.

Speaking as sponsor of the programme Zoltán Balog, Minister of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, thanked those involved for their support in a broad social and international cooperative exercise; he acknowledged the selfless work of participants. He emphasised the resoluteness and devotion of Phralipe, thanks to which seven Roma families have gained access to decent housing conditions.

Minister of State Balog said that the human loss is irreplaceable, but the grief and heartache may have been eased somewhat by government help, and by compassionate organisational support. He also praised the work of Mr. Romani Rose, Chair of the Association of German Roma and Sinti, who arranged for the German international football squad to play in a charity match in Hungary, and who organised many volunteer helpers.

In April 2010 the State Secretariat granted HUF 8.5 million to Phralipe after a competitive tender, in order to accelerate housing provision for four Roma families, and also provided HUF 1 million to one family in order to purchase their own home. The Hungarian government provided a significant part of the total investment of nearly HUF 17 million , and in so doing it greatly contributed to the improved living conditions of families in need.

(Office of the Minister of State for Social Inclusion)