Zsuzsa Németh
Minister for National Development
Personal data:
- Born in Budapest, on 16 July 1953
- Mother of two daughters
- specialisation in foreign trade
- 2011 Minister for National Development
- 2010 member of the Board of Directors, MVM Zrt.
- 2010 deputy Chief Executive for business activities and member of the Board of Directors, Hungarian Development Bank Zrt
- 2008 head of customer relationship management, OTP Bank Rt
- 2005 deputy managing director of the central branch, OTP Bank Rt
- 2002 deputy managing director for commercial banking, South Pest Region, OTP Bank Rt
- 1998 adviser to the CEO and then managing director for lending, Hungarian Development Bank
- 1996 head of lending, OTP Bank Rt
- 1995 head of the Current Account Department, OTP Bank Rt
- 1994 staff member at the department of trade finance administration, Bank Leumi Budapest
- 1992 deputy division head, Bank Leumi Budapest
- 1990 department head, Bank Leumi Budapest
- 1977 sales manager, Artex Foreign Trade Company
- 1971 export administrator, Artex Foreign Trade Company