On 15 July 2010, Fellegi Tamás, minister for national development, conducted brief talks with the delegation of the European Commission headed by Catherine Day, chief secretary, in Budapest.

At the introductory visit the minister introduced the main activities of the department for development and the position taken in the new governmental structure. The parties agreed that, by cooperating closely, they can make the approaching Hungarian cycle of Union presidency successful. The first half of the year 2011 may have a decisive role in the definition of the strategic objectives of the European Union, putting the community on a track of growth.

The meeting was attended by Johannes Laitenberger, Head of Cabinet of the Commission President, Agnieszka Skuratowicz, member of the Cabinet of the Commission President responsible for Hungary, Luc Tholoniat, Head of Cabinet of the Secretary General of the European Commission; Szűcs Tamás, leader of the Budapest representation of the European Commission, as well as the state secretaries of the Ministry for National Development, Völner Pál, state secretary responsible for infrastructure, Nyitrai Zsolt, state secretary responsible for info-communication, and Molnár Ágnes, state secretary responsible for development policy coordination as well.