Tamás Fellegi, Minister for National Development conducted bilateral talks with Reinhold Mitterlehner, Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth and Doris Bures, Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology of Austria on 21 November 2011 in Vienna. During the official visit, the parties reviewed the current issues of relations in the field of energy and transport.

During his talks with Reinhold Mitterlehner, Minister of Economy, Family and Youth, Tamás Fellegi stressed: the Hungarian Government’s economy and development policy focussed on competitiveness and work. Discussions were held of cooperation between Hungary and Austria in the field of energy, which has been based, for several years, on joint government meetings. The parties unanimously declared that in oil industry currently the North-South Energy Corridor projects were worth giving priority by both countries. Agreement was reached between the ministers in the issue that both Nabucco and the Southern Stream of the Southern Corridor were of pivotal significance for Hungary as well as Austria.

Tamás Fellegi, Reinhold Mitterlehner (photo: BMWFJ/HBF-Hartl)

During Tamás Fellegi’s talks with minister Doris Bures mention was made of the cross-border clearway connections and various infrastructure issues crossing the border. In Western Hungarian territories directly affecting the Hungarian-Austrian border, numerous infrastructure projects are being prepared at the moment. The ministers agreed to set up a joint transport working group and reconciled their positions in connection with the current infrastructure development issues in the context of the European Union.

Doris Bures, Tamás Fellegi (photo: Reich/BMVIT)

Tamás Fellegi had a working lunch with the heads of the interest representation organisations of the most outstanding companies of the Austrian economy.

(Ministry of National Development , Department of Communication)