Zoltán Schváb, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development in charge of transport and co-chairman of the Accident Prevention Committee of the Hungarian Police Force, opened the conference "How to go on? Road Safety after the White Book" on 30 November 2010 in Budapest. The State Secretary reported that Hungary's action programme for the next few years was just before finalisation. During the event it was made known that a total of HUF 1.8 billion co-financing had been made available for local councils to implement road safety projects in the framework of the recently published tenders up to 2013.

In his presentation, Zoltán Schváb recalled that the strategic objective of the 4th European Road Safety Action Programme was to halve the number of people killed on the roads by 2020, taking the 2010 figures as a basis. In adjustment to this effort, the Hungarian Road Safety Action Programme sets out the main directions and opportunities of intervention in the first three years. The competent ministries will finalise the Hungarian document in the near future.

The State Secretary added: in addition to supporting the seven strategic target areas of the Community Action Programme, as a special position, Hungary recommends focus on training road users and distinguished management of European transit traffic for deliberation by the Member States.

 Local councils may be awarded altogether HUF 1.8 billion government support within three years for the implementation of road safety projects on the local crossing sections of national roads (reconstruction of unsafe junctions, as well as design and implementation of low-cost transport safety interventions). The State Secretary added that between 80 and 100 applicants may be granted support in the three different schemes announced by the Transport Development Coordination Centre, among others for the construction of roundabouts, pedestrian crossings with traffic lights or community gateways. For detailed descriptions, please refer to the website of KKK (at http://kkk.gov.hu/pages/index.jsf?p=2&id=4910) and the Ministry.

Ministry of National Development
Department of Communication

30 November 2010