According to plans, 57 further road border crossing points may be opened between Hungary and Romania, Pál Völner, Secretary of State responsible for Infrastructure announced after negotiations with representatives of the related Romanian ministry on 16 November in Szatmárnémeti.

In the wake of bilateral public road and railroad talks held with Romanian Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Ovidiu Silaghi and Secretary of State for Transport Septimiu Buzasu, an agreement has been reached according to which Romania will start talks on a framework agreement allowing the construction of more than fifty new public border crossing points to be designated on the common border. The Romanian party has appointed a Secretary of State of the Ministry of Interior as chief negotiator, while Hungary will be represented by Pál Völner, Secretary of State responsible for Infrastructure. At the meeting, decisions must also be made on the setting up of three further commissions.

A similar agreement has been concluded with Slovakia, which will serve as a model for the proposed Hungarian-Romanian framework agreement.

The Hungarian-Romanian border is 448 km long and it currently provides 10 border crossing points for read traffic at an average distance of 45 km. Surveys suggest that there is public demand for the establishment of a further 57 border crossings. If are built, there will be a border crossing point at every 6,7 kilometres, which is considered as satisfactory even according to Western-European standards.

(Ministry of National Development)