Another road reconstruction project was completed with the support of the New Széchenyi Plan. A nearly 10-kilometre section of the road connecting Röszke and Mórahalom in Csongrád County was reconstructed from over HUF 1 billion European Union funds. The inauguration ceremony of the project was held in Mórahalom on 20 June 2013.

Within the New Széchenyi Plan Regional Operational Programmes about 600 kilometres of minor roads will be reconstructed nationally this year. The nearly HUF 87 billion development resource is utilised by Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt., the project promoter, with support given by the European Union and the Hungarian Government in the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund. A total of HUF 14.16 billion will be utilised for reconstructions in the South Great Plain Region in 2013 by the public road manager.

Photo: Ágnes BartolfWithin the framework of the program the nearly 10-kilometre section of the road connecting Röszke and Mórahalom also became of European quality. The constructor replaced the structure of the roadway in several places, milled the existing pavement 15 centimetres deep, removed the lower layers and constructed a new roadway structure in certain places. 12 centimetres thick asphalt pavement of two layers was laid down in the outer area, one layer was milled and an asphalt surface course of 6.5 centimetres thickness was constructed in the inner area. The costs of the project were significantly reduced by reconstructing the roadside from the material gained from the replacement of the roadway structure and asphalt milled from the pavement. The constructor also placed new road signs and replaced the outer area kilometre stones by kilometre signs on both sides.

Those living in the region and those passing through may now travel more safely and more comfortably to the regional centres, kindergartens, schools, other public institutions and their workplaces on the reconstructed national public road. The public road manager and the Regional Development Agencies will monitor the condition of the reconstructed section closely in the years after the project closure to maintain the excellent quality of the minor road.

Photo: Ágnes BartolfNándor Csepreghy, Deputy State Secretary for Development Projects said the following at the inauguration: The winning applicants had the opportunity to utilise over HUF 114 billion from EU resources to strengthen and reconstruct the minor road network between 2010 and 2013. Nearly 100 percent of the funds were tied down in every region in this programming period in the field of developing 4-5-digit roads. From among this year’s projects of Magyar Közút the works have already been initiated in almost 416 kilometres by the middle of June. The technical deliveries of the projects have been continuous since the first weeks of June. According to the plans the reconstruction of nearly 210 kilometres of minor roads in very degraded condition will begin in the second half of the year.

(Ministry of National Development)