“The Government aims to carry out the reconstruction of the national public road network in the medium term with the necessary funds” said Pál Völner, state secretary of infrastructure on 17 April 2013 in Bajna, at the opening event of the reconstruction of the connecting road between Tát, Tarján and Tatabánya.

With a budget of over HUF 2.4 billion, road reconstruction scheduled for 2013 in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan is launched in Komárom-Esztergom County as well. The works are scheduled to be completed in early October along the 18.8 kilometre road section. The funds of the Central Transdanubia Regional Operational Programme will be used this year in the county for the reconstruction of approximately 41 kilometres of minor roads that are of a seriously deteriorated condition.

In the course of the reconstruction of the Tát-Tarján-Tatabánya connecting road, the road surface will be fitted with a structural reinforcement layer of variable thickness, and the track structure will be fully replaced in places that reveal load capacity problems. The water drainage system will be reconstructed, and the building contractors will also carry out the cleaning and covering of ditches. The traffic technology equipment will be modernised. The seven bridges located along the section will be fully reconstructed, and the Árok Bridge in Nagysáp will be widened. The bus bays and platforms will be reconstructed, and a new bus bay will be built in place of the current stop on the hilltop in Nagysáp.

The reconstruction of the minor road will result in tangible changes in the lives of approximately 5,000 people living in and regularly travelling through the region as early as autumn. Owing to improved accessibility, the municipalities in question may also become more attractive for enterprises. In the years following the successful completion of the projects, the road management organisation and the Regional Development Agencies will closely monitor the condition of the reconstructed road section to preserve the excellent quality of the minor road.

At the opening event, with respect to the national road reconstruction plans, Pál Völner said: “A national road reconstruction programme is being drawn up as part of the National Transport Strategy. According to the proposed target values, the deterioration of the pavements and bridges should be contained within three years. The key technical parameters should be restored to at least levels measured in 2000 by the end of the decade. Road sections in the worst condition are expected to be repaired from 2014 in the initial phase of the prepared projects.”

This year, approximately 600 kilometres of secondary minor roads – long in need of repair - will be reconstructed through the investments of Hungarian Public Road Nonprofit Ltd. with the funds of the Regional Operational Programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan. The public road manager can launch development projects with approximately HUF 87 billion, equalling three times the value available last year (see attached map). Most works commenced in the first half of the year will be completed before the end of the year.

Based on the decisions of the Ministry of National Development, a total of over HUF 114 billion is available between 2010 and 2013 for successful tenderers for the reinforcement and reconstruction of the secondary road network. In relation to the development of roads with numbers 4-5, nearly 100 per cent of funds have been contracted in all regions in the current programming period.

(Ministry of National Development Communications Department/Hungarian Public Road Nonprofit Ltd. Communications Department)