The National Energy Strategy 2030 was published by the Ministry of National Development. As from 14 February 2012, the document is also available in an electronic format in Hungarian and English on the Government’s website.
The National Energy Strategy, based on new foundations, will ensure the longterm sustainability, security and economic competitiveness of energy supply in Hungary.
Serving primary national interests, guaranteeing the security of supply, taking into account the least cost principle and asserting environmental considerations, it enables Hungary to contribute to resolving global issues to an extent proportionate to its international weight and as far as its resources allow.
In order to achieve the objectives set in the Strategy, five significant efforts are drawn up: increasing energy savings and energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energies, integrating the Central European grid network and constructing the required crossborder capacities, maintaining the existing nuclear capacities and utilising the domestic coal and lignite resources in an ecofriendly manner for power generation.
Thinking responsibly, the Government considers it to be of critical importance in terms of energy policy to rebuild those Government positions that were given up in previous years due to short-term fiscal considerations or even less transparent or meaningful reasons.
(Ministry of National Development , Department of Communication)