Cooperation in the issue of Clean Coal Technology (CCT) between the Ministry of National Development and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) as well as the Institute of Energy Economics of Japan (IEEJ) supporting the energy policy objectives of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has been turned into a new stage.

Minister of State for Energy Affairs Pál Kovács received the Japanese delegation at his office on 30 July 2013. Hungarian hosts were honoured by the presence of the Director General of the Environment Department of NEDO Nozomi Sagara. The expert-level delegation also held negotiations with representatives of the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary and the Hungarian Mining Association in Budapest.

In order to study high-efficiency and environmentally-friendly coal utilisation systems intensive consultations have been continued between the cooperating parties in the past year. Minister of State for Energy Affairs Pál Kovács underlined that the Japanese project conceptions are in harmony with the Hungarian Government’s main objectives in energetics and job creation and thus those definitely need to be supported for mutual benefits. Beside the industrial and chemical exploitation CCT ensures the climate-friendly utilisation of coal and lignite. The proposed multi-function coal utility center could open up new possibilities for the Borsod Region. By reviving the coal mining and the possible settling of new companies that make use of the products of the utility center job prospects could be increased in the region.

The Japanese delegation conducted further discussions on their study and the preparation of specific plans with senior officials of the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary, the University of Miskolc and the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Local Government. At the University of Miskolc, the Japanese expert delegation visited the Geological-Mineralogical, Energy Economics and Raw Material Preparation Laboratories and learned about Hungarian research results achieved to date.

IEEJ is preparing a pre-feasibility study on the possible project with the financial support of NEDO and with the help of Hungarian partners. Further professional consultations are expected till the closure of the planning period (Q1 2014). The parties will decide on the extension of the cooperation and the implementation of the plans on the basis of the results.

Following the two oil crises of the 1970s, the need for energy diversification increased. Against this backdrop, NEDO was established as a semi-governmental organization in 1980 to promote the development and introduction of new energy technologies. Besides realizing R&D projects focusing on industrial, energy and environmental technologies for the reduction of CO2 emissions NEDO plays important role in distributing knowledge at the international level.

(Ministry of National Development Communications Department)