On 10 January 2011 Minister for National Development Dr. Tamás Fellegi had talks with French Minister of Industry, Energy and Digital Economy, Eric Besson and Minister of Environment Protection, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.

His visit was a stop of the “Tour des Capitales” series of meetings, during which the members of the Hungarian Government call on their colleagues working in their respective areas in other Member States to familiarise them with the Hungarian EU Presidency’s priorities affecting the particular specialisations. Tamás Fellegi presented his French colleagues with the most important duties of the energy and info-communication area.

During the talks, surrounded by good atmosphere, the Hungarian Minister for National Development outlined the programme of the Hungarian Presidency, including the energy and info-communication dossiers that will be given strong support and monitored by the Hungarian Government in the next six months. In the field of energy affairs, such priority dossier is the Energy Strategy for the period up to 2020, Roadmap 2050 (presenting the various methods of conversion to a low-carbon economy by 2050), the Energy Infrastructure Package, a review of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan, and the draft regulation on the transparency of energy wholesale markets.

The priority dossiers of the info-communication area include the strategic duties related to the European Digital Agenda, network and information security issues, tasks related to the protection of critical infrastructure and the European Radio Spectrum Policy programme.

With Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Tamás Fellegi reviewed the climate change policy and transport dossiers. In connection with industrial, strategic and financing issues, the Minister held talks with the top level representatives of several leading French corporations.


Ministry of National Development, Department of Communication