On 25 April 2013, the Leipzig based European Energy Exchange (EEX) held its second auction of Hungarian EUA emission units listed in the second trading period of the emission trading system of the European Union (EU ETS). With the sale of the remaining 2,587,000 EUA units, Hungary has sold its last EUA quotas in the relevant period.

The 2,587,000 EUA units were sold on the EEX spot market at a 2.95 EUR auction price per unit. Bids were received for a total of 4,119,000 EUA units, thus demand was 1.59 times greater than the quantity offered at auction. Fifteen companies participated in the auction.

Pursuant to the supplementary agreement concluded on 11 April 2013, the European Energy Exchange sold a total of 5,174,500 EUA units in the past days upon engagement by the Ministry of National Development. Owing to the April auction, the Hungarian State collected revenue totalling 14.7 million EUR.

(Ministry of National Development Communications Department)