Jaroslaw Pietras, Director-General in the EU Council's Secretariat-General (DG I) was welcomed in Budapest on 29 November 2010 by Iván Tamás Kovács, Deputy State Secretary in charge of European Union and International Affairs and Péter Olajos, Deputy-State Secretary Responsible for Green Economy and Climate Policy. Of the EU Council's secretariats-general, "DG I" is responsible for policies on climate change, environment protection, healthcare, consumer protection, food safety, education, youth policies, culture and audio-visual policies.

The constructive meeting was used by the parties to discuss the strategic areas that fall within the competence of the Secretariat General and which the Hungarian Presidency will treat as priority areas in the first half of 2011. In the meeting, the Hungarian party ensured the Director General that under the Hungarian Presidency the implementation of the key actions defined by the UN Climate Change Agreement will be a priority among the climate change-related issues the Hungarian Presidency will be dealing with.

Jaroslaw Pietras described in detail the special political areas where the activities of the Hungarian Presidency can advance the initiatives supported by the Secretariat-General and offered his assistance in the attainment of the objectives set by the Hungarian Presidency and in the preparation for hearings.

Ministry of National Development
Department of Communication

Budapest, 1 December 2010