At his Milano stop of the Tour des Capitales series of talks, Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi held bilateral discussions with Italian Minister of the Economy Paolo Romani on 24 January 2011. Under the auspices of the Hungarian EU Presidency, the participants overviewed the semi-annual priorities of the units reporting to the Hungarian Minister of National Development in the areas of European Union competence.

The “Tour des Capitales” meetings, organised under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency, offer opportunities for familiarisation with the partner ministers and consultations over the priorities in the specialisations in charge of the Ministry of National Development. On his trip the Minister of National Development was accompanied by Deputy State Secretary for European Union and International Affairs, Tamás Iván Kovács.

Tamás Fellegi and Paolo Romani consulted over issues of energy security, which constitute economic, social and political priorities for the whole of Europe, and questions related to info-communication, an area of strategic significance for the creation of a strong Europe.

The parties touched upon Roadmap 2050, a summary of the concepts and duties of creating a low-carbon energy system by 2050, as well as issues related to the safety of supply to the European Union. Outlining the info-communication-related priorities of the Hungarian Presidency, Tamás Fellegi described the European Digital Agenda, one of the flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy, considered by the Hungarian Presidency as having outstanding significance in triggering upturn and improving competitiveness in Europe.


(Ministry of National Development , Department of Communication)