Pál Kovács, Minister of State for Climate Change and Energy, discussed the opportunities of a future co-operation in the field of education in nuclear sciences with Goon Cherl Park, President of the KEPCO KINGS nuclear training centre of South Korea on 20 September 2012 in Budapest.

The South Korean institution was established in 2010 with the aim of securing the next generation of nuclear specialists. In his presentation Mr Goon Cherl Park pointed out that in the future they wish to give high emphasis to increasing the international character of the institution. They will invite renowned international nuclear specialists to teach and also recruit foreign students. Hungary may be in the vanguard of this co-operation. Mr Pál Kovács stressed that the existing excellent relations between the two countries in the field of nuclear sciences can still be improved and extended to education. During the discussions Mr Sándor Nagy, Deputy CEO of MVM Zrt. announced that the company sends three students to start their studies in the South Korean institution in the near future. Hungary is committed to the peaceful use of atomic energy and proceeds along a carefully considered strategy. It has a pivotal role in the transfer of nuclear technological knowledge. Recently, training has started for Vietnamese experts in Budapest and Paks, in the maintenance and education centre of the nuclear power plant. Saudi Arabia and Indonesia also show interest in education-related co-operation. Hungary has an excellent infrastructure for the transfer of nuclear technological knowledge both in the Centre for Energy Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

(Ministry of National Development)