Hungary’s green energy sector has been set on a path of growth and the proportion of alternative energy used in Hungary is nearly 10% of annual energy consumption, the deputy state secretary of the National Development Ministry said in Békésszentandrás, at the opening of a small water power station built at a dam of the river Hármas Körös.

Ferenc Hizó said that heat generated from green energy increased by 10% from 2011 to 2012. Energy transmission prices are growing each year, which makes the return on investment shorter and the operation of power stations more sustainable. The hydroelectric plant at Békésszentandrás will save 8,000 tonnes of carbon-dioxide annually and it will satisfy the electricity demand of 3,000 households. Water energy is clean, environmentally friendly and its utilisation ensures priority to water management and environmental protection considerations.

Photo: Ágnes BartolfOver the past three years, the government supported green economy developments with nearly 150 billion forints and introduced numerous measures that encourage the growth of green economy.