As territorial cohesion is our common cause, the measures taken in the interest of its promotion are of crucial significance, Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi pointed out at the press conference that followed the informal meeting of ministers responsible for territorial development on 19 May, 2011 at Gödöllő. At the meeting the ministers approved of the Territorial Agenda 2020, the most significant framework of territorial cohesion. To continue the meeting, on Friday the responsible ministers will discuss the future of cohesion policy.

On 19 and 20 May, 2011 two inseparable aquis communitaires, which nevertheless had slightly different ways, converged and linked up, Minister Fellegi said and went on to term the successive consultations of the ministers for territorial development and cohesion policy - based on partially shared considerations - exemplary. These themes can be linked because since the effective date of the Lisbon Contract, territorial cohesion has become the third objective in Cohesion Policy, and with proper co-operation the objectives of the two areas may mutually reinforce one another.

Photo: Németh András Péter,

The Hungarian Presidency’s priority objective was to call the attention to the significance of territorial considerations, as this approach was indispensable for the successful realisation of the Europe 2020 Strategy, Mr. Fellegi added. The extensive consultations on territorial cohesion and cohesion policy, as well as these two ministerial meetings are clear proofs of the Member States’ support and political commitment to the Hungarian efforts.

Tamás Fellegi reported adoption of the Territorial Agenda 2020, a guidance aimed at the European Union’s balanced territorial development, by the ministers. The evaluation and review of the 2007 Territorial Agenda were two priority tasks of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union, which have now been successfully completed and resulted in a comprehensive new version that reflects the position of the European Union’s responsible ministers on the creation of territorial cohesion.

Photo: Németh András Péter,

The Minister added that the most important objective of the new Territorial Agenda was to identify the place of the territorial dimension in the system of relations between the Europe 2020 strategy, cohesion policy and various sectoral policies.

Europe is a colourful continent, comprising regions characterised by diverse economic, social and cultural features, and this is exactly one of the most important strengths of the European Union. We are responsible for honouring territorial peculiarities and their integration during the planning and implementation of cohesion and sectoral policies in the service of regional development projects. All this must be done in a way to ensure that the implemented projects promote the achievement of the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy.

The achievement of the territorial cohesion was a highly significant European goal; Tamás Fellegi emphasised, and added that the regional effects of the social and economic challenges of our days may differ greatly and thus lead to the deepening of differences between the individual regions of the European Union. This is why territorial aspects must be taken into consideration in each and every development project.

Photo: Németh András Péter,

It was repeatedly re-confirmed that our actions taken to promote territorial cohesion and highlight territorial considerations were crucial in achieving a balanced and sustainable development in Europe, Dr Fellegi stated. We must endeavour to build projects on regional features on every territorial level, as this is a significant constituent of long-term competitiveness and sustainability.

(Ministry of National Development, Department of Communication)