Nearly 30 EU-funded projects were presented nationwide during the open day organised by the National Development Agency (NFÜ). At the Liszt Academy of Music, Deputy State Secretary responsible for development programs Nándor Csepreghy said that the aim of the open day is to introduce the EU projects included in the New Széchenyi Plan that positively affect people's everyday lives to the public.

In Budapest, the new building of the Academy of Music, the Tétényi street station of the new Metro 4 underground and the Castle Garden Bazaar were presented.

Photo: Gergely Botár

Deputy Rector of the Academy Csaba Kutnyánszky emphasised that the 13.1 billion forint investment will help created favourable educational conditions, pointing out that after the medical university SOTE, their institution has the most foreign students.

Deputy State Secretary Csepreghy stated that two thousand educational institutions will be renovated between 2007 and 2013. István Perger, Head of Communications at the European Commission Representation in Hungary, highlighted that 2013 is the year of European citizens within the EU, adding that 97% of Hungarian public investment projects are 85 percent co-funded by the European Union.

Photo: Gergely Botár

At Metro 4’s Tétényi street station, Deputy Mayor Balázs Szeneczey emphasised that 82-83% of the project has been completed and that the inauguration of the new metro line in March 2014 will be a major milestone in the capital’s life.

At the Castle Garden Bazaar, Ministerial Commissioner Ferenc Zumbok presented the project, which will be realised through investing approximately 9 billion forints. In 1996, the site was listed among the 100 most endangered monuments in the world. Following the opening ceremony in May 2014, plans include the opening of the largest ever Munkácsy exhibition at the new Bazaar.

(Ministry of National Development)