The handover of the Ófehértó Motorway Engineering and new motorway police site at kilometre section 254 of the M3 motorway between Nyíregyháza and highway No. 49 took place on 18 June 2013. Mr Pál Völner, Minister of State for Infrastructure under the Ministry of National Development spoke at the event.

The employees of the State Motorway Management Ltd. will be working at the Ófehértó site in a new 695 m2 building. There is a 1,832 m2 workshop and garage for vehicle storage and maintenance, along with a 833 m2 cold storage facility, a 1,024 m2 salt storage facility and over 200 m2 other storage facilities located at the site. The new motorway police station has an area of 409 m2.

Photo: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
The project was implemented as an investment of the National Infrastructure Development Ltd. under the New Széchenyi Plan as part of the Transport Operational Programme (TOP) in the value of net HUF 1.15 billion. The site was constructed by Grabarics Kft and designed by KASIB Engineering Management Office Ltd.       

Motorway operation requires the availability of engineering and motorway police sites. The operation of motorways also includes the cleaning of road surfaces, the periodical monitoring of bridges, the maintenance of bridge railings and motorway barriers and the replacement of traffic signs. During the winter season the removal of snow and protection against slippery road conditions are of primary importance. In case of accident assistance for motorists is provided by the dispatcher service, and if necessary traffic is diverted by engineering service employees under control by the police.       

The M3 motorway section between Nyíregyháza and highway No. 49 was put into temporary service on 16 January 2013. Until now traffic through the junction from Budapest and Vásárosnamény had been conducted on the left and right hand side collector lanes of the M3-4911-403 junction system.     

The construction of the missing transport technical elements of the junction was completed on 17 June 2013 and the main body of the road is now passable with no limitation of speed. The M3-4911-403 junction is fully operational providing a safer and faster passage for motorists.      

At the event Mr Völner explained that a decade and a half ago it took 4 hours for the motorists to get from Vásárosnemény to the capital. Due to continuous developments the travel time by now has shortened by 90 minutes. The balance between construction and maintenance is carefully observed by the Government: this year a total of HUF 10.44 billion worth support is used for the reconstruction of 108 km minor roads in rather poor condition by public road management in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County.

(Ministry of National Development Communications Department)