The increasing importance of cooperation between the government and the industry was emphasized by Mr Vilmos Vályi-Nagy, Minister of State for Infocommunication under the Ministry of National Development at the opening presentation of the Parliament of the Information Society on 13 June 2013. The Minister of State presented the main elements of the government’s infocommunication strategy discussed with the domestic small and large enterprises, multinational companies and professional representative organisations. The document specifying the main directions of fund utilisation and development for the 2014-2020 EU budget period will be soon published and put up for social discussion.

Summarising the achievements of the past three years the Minister of State for Infocommunication said that first the legislative environment had to be adapted to the needs of the quickly developing sector, along with the simultaneous consolidation of governmental information technology. The first phase of the processes was completed in 2012, currently the focus being on development and planning.      

In his speech Mr Vilmos Vályi-Nagy explained: since digital illiteracy in Hungary is still high, in addition to infrastructure developments the development of digital competencies will also have a primary role among the 2014-2020 development priorities. By promoting research & development activity the enterprises will have the opportunity to offer new services which could also be introduced on foreign markets.       

The Minister of State talked about the importance of the government's IT developments as well. As he explained: the aim is to create the potential for overall electronic administration in most institutions by 2020. With regard to the next EU budget cycle he said that the primary goal was to further rationalise procedures and to accelerate the tendering, decision making and contracting processes.       

The chief patroness of the two-day conference organised by the IT pro Society Association is Mrs. Zsuzsa Németh, Minister for National Development, the theme of this year’s presentations and interactive roundtable discussions being ‘Infocommunication for Competitiveness’.

(Ministry of National Development, Communications Department)