As part of the government reorganisations aimed at the efficient management of the impacts of the economic crisis, as from 12 September 2011, the Minister for National Development, Tamás Fellegi has transformed the Ministry of National Development (MND). Having successfully completed the duties in six sections of the presidency of the European Council, and in view of the experiences of the first year, the Ministry’s internal operation is now simplified with unchanged powers and duties. The current six state secretariats and eleven deputy state secretariats in charge of specific policies will be replaced by four and twelve, respectively.

As a result of the new challenges and the changing global environment, in order to increase the efficiency of work at the Ministry and successfully implement sectoral strategies, the transformation of the Ministry’s internal organisation and operation became an important issue on the agenda. Keeping the considerations of cutting back bureaucracy and building a cheaper state apparatus in view, the new organisation has been set up to be simpler and more transparent than the previous one. The six secretaries of state for professional policies will be replaced by four: the secretaries in charge of State Property, Development Policy Co-ordination, Energy and Climate, and Infrastructure.

Aiming at a uniform property management, the secretariat for the Review of High-Priority State Contracts and State Aid will report to the Secretary of State for State Property with unchanged duties and organisational structure.The merged unit will work under the control of Dr Sára Hegman Nemes. Under the direction of Dr Sára Hegman Nemes, the state secretariat for the Review of High-Priority State Contracts and State Aid had successfully completed its tasks assigned to the unit at the inaugural: the detailed review of the PPP-contracts has been closed and the renegotiation and termination of unfavourable PPP-contracts has begun. Dr Tibor Halasi, former Secretary of State for State Property, will continue to work as a consultant to the Prime Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, while keeping his position as the member of the Board of Directors in MNV Zrt. and as chairman of the Supervisory Board of MFB Zrt.

In addition to the two deputy state secretariats, a third one will report to the Minister of State for Development Policy Co-ordination. On Minister Tamás Fellegi’s recommendation, the Prime Minister will appoint Dr Enikő Földi as Deputy State Secretary for Monitoring and Information. In the interest of a uniform and concentrated development policy concept, the new Deputy State Secretariat for Knowledge-Based Economy Development will also report to the Minister of State for Development Policy Co-ordination. This new deputy state secretariat will be responsible for the development of information society and all knowledge- and information-based projects in the field of infocommunication, as well as monitoring the Government Information Technological Development Agency’s activity. The duties related to the green economy will also be transferred from the unit in charge of energy to Development Policy Co-ordination. In preparation for the 2014-2020 budget period of the European Union and in accordance with the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Ministry will manage economy development, green economy and infocommunication as a single complex. The position of the deputy state secretary will be decided of at a later date. The Deputy State Secretariat for Infocommunication will be discontinued and Zsolt Nyitrai will leave the Ministry. With Vilmos Vályi-Nagy remaining the Deputy State Secretary for Government Information Technology, his unit will report directly to the Minister. The Deputy State Secretariat for Green Economy and Climate Change will continue to work as Deputy State Secretariat for Climate Change Policy reporting to the Secretary of State for Climate and Energy.

A separate Deputy State Secretariat for Legal Affairs and Coordination has been set up under the management of Dr Ilona Éva Pálffy, reporting to the State Secretary. Dr Ilona Éva Pálffy had been the secretary general of the Constitutional Court up to the end of August 2011. Previously, she also led the Office of Government Commissioners and Deputy State Secretary for Constitutional Law at the Ministry of Justice.

(Ministry of National Development , Department of Communication)