The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the organisation of the United Nations specialised in air transport has carried out an overall aviation safety audit in Hungary between 26 and 30 March 2012. According to the audit results, significant improvement is experienced in the field of regulatory, supervisory, training and operational structures and authoritative procedures since the last inspection in 2008.

Four years ago ICAO has identified a 41 per cent deviation from full compliance. The Organisation will produce its draft report and send it for comments within three months.

In relation to the audit carried out, Zoltán Schváb, Secretary of State for Transport explained: The clear demand and aim of operators in the Hungarian air transport industry is to develop the institutional system and the regulatory environment on a continuous basis in order to achieve the highest possible level of aviation safety. The favourable result of the audit is due to the exemplary cooperation between the Ministry of National Development, the National Transport Authority, the Transportation Safety Bureau and HungaroControl, to the coordinated efforts of the organisations.

On the basis of the definite improvement experienced during the revision, Nicolas Rallo, head of the ICAO audit team held the view that the progress achieved in the past years would result in Hungary's catching up with the average European level from the earlier lag behind.

Zoltán Schváb stated: Hungary will continue to be a reliable and predictable partner whose correct approach and permanent improvement of abilities can be relied on under any circumstances by the international organisations working on the improvement of aviation safety.

As the second European state, Hungary was part of the validation process certifying compliance with the new type of ICAO approach, emphasizing continuity. As of 1 January 2013, the Organisation will implement the programme of Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMP) all over the world, examining the aviation safety performance of each Member State almost on a monthly basis.

(Ministry of National Development , Department of Communication)