The government does not negotiate with Russian energy company Surgutneftegas about the purchase of their shares in MOL – confirmed Mr. Tamás Fellegi, Minister of National Development yesterday when addressing foreign journalists in a background meeting.

In the framework of an informal background meeting, Mr. Tamás Fellegi met on 21st of September, 2010 with 40 members of an organization representing foreign journalists working in Hungary, Hungarian journalists working for foreign newspapers and foreign language Hungarian newspapers.
Mr. Tamás Fellegi has placed a special emphasis on the security of Hungary’s energy supply and the importance of diversification. He has mentioned the project for establishing the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Gas Transport System (AGRI) as a step for the future and a start of a 21st century cooperation, as it would enable transport of natural gas from Azerbaijan through the Black Sea and Romania to Central Europe.
The Minister of National Development, who also holds the position of Government Commissioner for Hungarian-Russian Economic Relations, has made it clear that Hungary did not negotiate with Russian company Surgutneftegas, owner of 21,2 of MOL shares, about the purchase of these MOL shares.
Mr. Tamás Fellegi has described the upcoming EU Presidency as a huge responsibility, which is also a great opportunity for renewing our relationships with all member states, building up a new system of cooperation for Hungary which enables a stronger representation of our national interests.
Tamás Fellegi emphasized that only a strong state is able to implement a responsible asset policy that represents national and public interest, and a coordinated development policy for fuelling the growth of domestic SMEs.

Ministry of National Development

Communications Division

 Budapest, 21 September 2010