Ministry of National Development

Head Office: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 44-50.
Offices: 1011 Budapest, Iskola utca 13.
1011 Budapest, Vám utca 5-7.
Postal address: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 44-50.
Address of the central post office box: 1440 Budapest, P.O.B.. 1.
Phone: 06-1-795-1700 Fax: 06-1-795-0697

E-mail address of the customer service: [[[EpCJZjHnlQnj6OzAxmhdWd5ZmVsc3pvbGdhbGF0QG5mbS5nb3YuaHU=]]]
Phone of the customer service: 06-1-795-6766

Zsuzsa Németh Minister of National Development

Postal address: 1011 Budapest, Fő u. 44-50.
Phone: +36-1-795-5666
Fax: +36-1-795-0631
E-mail: [[[fqYJCJsXBQ7hODThyzbWluaXN6dGVyQG5mbS5nb3YuaHU=]]]