“This problem affects the security of whole Europe, which is why we have to find a common solution” – highlighted Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior on the press conference following the signature of the Hungarian-Austrian-Serbian joint declaration on the fight against illegal migration.

Sándor Pintér said: during the negotiations there was consensus among the parties and they easily came up to an agreement on the convention.

„In the near future we will propose the European Union to join our fight against illegal immigration and human trafficking” – informed the Hungarian Minister of Interior and he added: we need to find a solution that will protect whole Europe.

Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Sándor Pintér, Ivica Dacic (Photo: Ernő Horváth)

„Austria and Hungary have common problems, therefore we need to cooperate on the reduction of illegal migration as well” – emphasized Johanna Mikl-Leitner. The Austrian Minister of Interior said: approximately 15 thousand illegal entrants are in Austria and as a consequence 27 percent more people applied for asylum at the authorities this year.

„We support Hungary and Austria in all fields in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the fight for restraining illegal migration” – stressed Ivica Dacic Serbian Minister of Interior who expressed his hope that due to the five-point convention the number of these events will significantly decrease.

In the signed declaration the parties made proposal for practical measures.

Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Sándor Pintér, Ivica Dacic (Photo: Ernő Horváth)

The parties emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation between the authorities in the field of border control and migration management. Within the framework of the cooperation fast and effective identity detection of the arrested illegal migrants and the promotion of fast, safe and regular return are of special importance.

Ministers of Interior agreed to involve European agencies like FRONTEX (EU External Border Agency) and EUROPOL (European Police Office) to the detection of illegal migration activities along the Hungarian-Serbian border. The parties emphasize that the participation of Serbian border guards in joint FRONTEX operations is important.
