Strasbourg-based Council of Europe which compromises 47 countries organized meeting on 23d November 2011 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the signature of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention). Károly Kontrát, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior held the opening speech at the event.

The Budapest Convention is the only binding international instrument designed specifically to combat cybercrime. Since the adoption on 23d November 2001 in Budapest 32 countries have ratified it. Budapest Convention lays down a legal framework for the fight against cybercrime on global level; it contributes to the enlargement of capacities and to the cooperation between private and public sector.

Action against organized crime including cybercrime was one of the main elements of the Hungarian EU Presidency programme. In the first half of 2011 high level conferences were held on all aspects of cybercrime and computer security with the participation of the concerned departments (Interior Affairs, Defence and National Economy). Ministry of Interior organized High Level Ministerial Conference between 12 and 13 April 2011 in Budapest with the participation of EU Member States and the United States ( Priority target of the conference was to encourage wide ratification of the Convention.

(Ministry of Interior, Press Office)