“We would like to achieve a much better state of public order and security in small settlements than that was earlier, and the subjective feeling of security should become stronger among inhabitants.” – emphasized Sándor Pintér, the Interior Minister at the Police Headquarter‘s annual meeting of assessment and task setting on Friday, 25 February 2011.

Dr. Pintér Sándor said that they had reviewed the changes done at the police in 2010, and also had set the tasks to be accomplished during the year of 2011 in order to improve the police work to achieve a better state of public order and security in the country.

Evaluating the experiences; the necessity of another type of police different from the previous one has become obvious - highlighted the Interior Minister. For that reason, he appointed new Chiefs of Police in summer of 2010.

Photo: Gergely Botár

Speaking about the tasks for the year 2011, Sándor Pintér mentioned: “We would like to achieve a much better state of public order and security in small settlements than that was earlier, and moreover the subjective feeling of security should become stronger among inhabitants.”

Among the tasks for the present year he emphasized the enlargement of the police personnel. About 2000 non-commissioned officers will take an oath at the Heroes’ square in Budapest on 6 March, most of which will serve the public order and security in small settlements.

He paid special attention to the tasks related to the EU presidency, the accreditation of 260 events to be organised in Hungary, safeguarding the participants’ personal security and providing transportation for them, and also safeguarding the events. All these tasks are to be accomplished by the Police.

The Interior Minister said that it is necessary to execute the tasks at high level of quality that all Europe should acknowledge the Hungarian police's preparedness on a standard like that: “We may not make mistakes, since there is no time for correction.” Sándor Pintér expressed his confidence in that the commanding staff and also the personnel will provide an outstanding performance in 2011.

Dr. József Hatala called the 2010 an irregular year in the life of the Hungarian police. He highlighted the natural disasters and the way how the police reacted to them. He said that all incidents of imperfection were eliminated, which was proved by the police activity at the “red mud” catastrophe. The police reaction was fast and well organised – said the National Chief of Police. The life-saving activity and its organisation were recognised at international level – he added.

Speaking about the preparation for the Hungarian EU presidency, József Hatala admitted that deficiencies and lags were established last summer, however those were managed to be replaced in a fast beat. The Hungarian Police have prepared itself for the fulfilment of the Hungarian presidency’s expectations by the 1st of January 2011.

Photo: Gergely Botár

The National Chief of Police marked the police's redeployment and the break-even closing of the 2010 financial year as a great success.

The recovery of self-esteem inside Police, the reestablishment of the aldermanic responsibility system, the extension of the commanders’ activity, and also the reconstruction of the supervisory system were named as the main tasks for the following year by the National Chief of Police.

József Hatala added that the other important objective is to continue the enhancement of comradeship inside the Police body in 2011.
