„Close cooperation with Albania leads to security of Hungarian citizens” – emphasized Interior Minister Sándor Pintér after the reconciliation with Bujar Nishani Minister of Interior Affairs of Albania.

Sándor Pintér said: cooperation between the Ministry of Interior of Hungary and the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Albania is fruitful. Mr. Pintér highlighted that fight against organized crime and border protection issues have been discussed during the negotiation.

Bujar Nishani, Sándor Pintér (Photo: Gergely Botár)

“Albania makes determined efforts in the field of border protection which aims to reduce large-scale illegal migration flows to Hungary” – informed Sándor Pintér and added: further cooperation opportunities will be discussed in the future in order to establish stronger relationship.

Bujar Nishani expressed his thanks for the help that Hungary gave in the field of security and police cooperation. “During the negotiation I reported on the recent results of public safety in Albania” – outlined the Minister of Internal Affairs of Albania.

Bujar Nishani, Sándor Pintér (Photo: Gergely Botár)

Bujar Nishani mentioned: Albania intends to make all efforts to move closer to the culturally standards of the EU Member States.
