The Government would make the night life safer by modifying several related statutory provisions. The Government’s decision says organisers of an event with more than 300 guests and those of outdoor parties expecting more than 1,000 guests will in future have to apply for permits from authorities. – The Interior Minister Sándor Pintér announced.

Stricter regulations have been made in order to avoid tragedies, like at West Balkan nightclub, in future. Highlighting the facts, the politician continued – as it is known, three young girls died at West Balkan nightclub on 15 January 2011. The investigation has proved that overcrowding caused the incident, 2800 tickets were sold that night, instead of the 300 resulting from the capacity of the building, moreover, the facility had only one exit.

Pursuant to the information, provided by Sándor Pintér, the Police have finished the investigation and passed over the document with proposal for formal accusation to the office of prosecution. The legal circumstances can be accused for such an incident, since the organisers of such events have an obligation only to report the forthcoming event. The authorities start the examination of the facility’s suitability, if the owner’s statement of claim for organising an event is in existence within 30 days. The individuals operating the facility reported their decision on closing the club before the 30-day-term ended, and right after that, they handed in a new claim for organising an event at the same place. Consequently the 30-day-term started from the beginning and that way they could avoid the administrative inspection. That kind of illicit behaviour could take place regarding the transitional period of time.

For that reason the Government has modified several statutory provisions, according to which, in case of organising an indoor event with capacity of 300 people, or an outdoor event for more than one thousand people, the obligation to report will be replaced by the obligation of an administrative procedure. Events during the time of elections, religious events, or family events are exemptions from the statutory provisions in force.

The sanctions will be much stricter, since no use of such sanctions the sum of which can be easily raised by the owners through one hour operation of their clubs. The upper limit of the sum of penalty in case of fire will be HUF 2 millions, in case of incidents with injuries will be HUF 3 millions, and in case of an offence the penalty will be 200,000 Forints.

Anna Nagy, the Government’s spokeswoman said that after the West Balkan tragedy the sport facilities will undergo inspections as well, and contracts will be also reviewed in the light of new regulations. The Government believes that, as a result of undertaken measures, the circle of facilities where events can be organised safely, will extend.
