Hungary protects its borders, ensures an adequate level of protection for its citizens and at the same time fulfils the EU requirements and protects the EU’s external borders – underlined Mr Károly Kontrát Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior at the border of Röszke where thermal imaging camera system and border surveillance system have been established.

We have finalized the third stage of the development through the creation of the surveillance system - said Mr Károly Kontrát. Four thermal cameras have been installed. One of them operates at the Tiszasziget road border crossing that belongs to the Szeged Border Agency’s area of competence. Furthermore two nearly 10 years old adjustable detection equipments have been renewed. EU External Borders Fund financed 75 percent and Hungary 25 percent of the total project costs.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

“The development will continue since new thermal cameras will be set up in a value of HUF 353 million” – emphasised Deputy State Secretary and added: our aim is to prevent Western Balkan migrants entering Hungary and the EU illegally.

Mr Károly Kontrát referred to the importance of taking actions against illegal migration as it is an ongoing priority issue of EU Interior Ministers meetings and ministers could adopt an EU road map in June. “Due to comprehensive, coordinated measures and common actions significant results have been achieved during the last month” – stressed the Deputy State Secretary.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy

Interior Ministers of Hungary, Austria and Serbia held trilateral negotiations recently and decisions regarding the measures against illegal migration have been taken. Austrian and Serbian authorities and EU agencies (Europol, Frontex) were involved in the actions.

The development will continue. Procurement of modern border control vehicles – Schengen buses – is currently under preparation and border guards will be equipped with new communication tools and radios. IT equipment of border agencies will be modernised, the licence plate number identification system constructed at the borders will be developed – informed Mr Károly Kontrát.

Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy
