The second formal meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council under the Danish Presidency is being held on 26-27 April 2012 in Luxembourg. On the first day of the Council meeting issues of internal affairs were on the agenda. The Head of the Delegation of the Ministry of Interior was Mr Károly Kontrát Parliamentary State Secretary.

Hungary welcomes the adoption of the joint EU Action Plan on fighting illegal migration considering that appropriate management of increased irregular migratory pressure is the common interest of the Member States - said Mr Károly Kontrát on the meeting.

Development of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) is the most important item ensuring security in the European area without internal frontiers. SIS II is expected to replace the current system in 2013. The test phases of the central system will be completed in May and national systems will be further tested. Hungary contributes to all central testing phases and the National System of Hungary has successfully accomplished all tests so far.

Hungary supports the Danish Presidency approach to broaden the home affairs and justice cooperation with Turkey in order to ratify the EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement – emphasised Mr Károly Kontrát. According to the Head of the Hungarian Delegation substantive progress is necessary to envisage negotiations on visa liberalisation. There is a need that visa policy of Turkey should apply same entry requirements to all EU citizens.

Hungarian Presidency initiated discussions on the proposal for an EU PNR Directive in late February 2011. Hungary supports the aim of the Danish Presidency to adopt general approach on the Council meeting in order to start negotiations with the European Parliament.

The EU-US Passenger Name Record (PNR) Agreement was adopted with 409 votes in favour, 226 against and 33 abstentions on the plenary meeting of the European Parliament on 19th April 2012 therefore the agreement can be ratified with the USA. Council decision concerning the conclusion of the Agreement was adopted on the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting as an agenda item without discussion. The importance of this issue is shown by the fact that Mr Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security joined the working lunch of the Justice and Home Affairs Council.

Hungary supports the strengthening of the joint commitment concerning the development of the legal and regulatory framework – highlighted Mr Károly Kontrát. The objective of the proposal is to limit the access of private persons to precursor substances that can be used to produce explosives and to decrease homemade explosives. According to the proposal economic operators shall report any suspicious transactions of legal materials that may be used in the manufacture of explosives.

Ministers adopted Council Conclusions on radicalisation and disengagement from terrorist activities which aims to pay more attention to the prevention of radicalisation and de-radicalisation by facilitating cooperation between public and private players.

During the working lunch ministers have discussed the latest terrorist attacks and shared their experiences on the ways of dealing with radical criminals. They have agreed on that much more attention should be paid on lone criminals and effective measures against this phenomenon should be analysed as soon as possible. Ministers have agreed that any necessary and proportionate initiative that ensures progress in the fight against violent extremism will be supported.

(Press Department, Ministry of Interior)