During the Danish EU presidency on the 26th of January 2012 informal Council meeting on Home Affairs was held in Copenhagen. Károly Kontrát, Parliamentary State Secretary was the head of the Hungarian delegation on Home Affairs.

Current migration floods such as Serbian illegal migratory pressure on Hungary has intensified discussions on solidarity within the EU. On the informal Council meeting Ministers have reviewed available assets and have discussed the role of affected agencies of the EU (Frontex, European Asylum Support Office). Hungary fulfils its obligation to fully cooperate with other Member States, institutions and agencies of the EU in order to maintain surveillance along external borders.

Family reunification accounts for a significant although decreasing part of legal migration. At the meeting in Copenhagen Interior Ministers held consultation on the practical aspects, difficulties and issues of abuse relating to the application of the right to family reunification (Council Directive 2003/86/EC).

Third topic of the informal Council meeting on Home Affairs was the Directive for passenger name record system (the EU PNR Directive). Political Council discussions of the PNR Directive have started under the Hungarian EU presidency. Decision on financing national PNR systems to be introduced is essential in order to step forward in reconciliations. According to the Danish Presidency national PNR systems are likely to be financed by the Homeland Security Fund to be established under the following EU budget (2014-2020).
