The Ministry of Interior improves the crime prevention system in a measure of two billion Forints at several levels in the frame of the New Hungary Development Plan Social Renewal Operative Program accentuated project (TÁMOP 5.6.2).

The opening conference of the project was held by the Ministry of Interior and the National Command of the Punishment Implementation on 15 December in Siófok. At the conference, state secretary László Felkai gave appreciative certificates to project fellow-workers. Among others, European and international deputy state secretary Krisztina Berta Dr. held presentation on the event.

Following the democratic transition in 1989/1990, the number of crime acts rose implosively and a slow decline was observable in the coming years after the turn of the millennium. In spite of this, feeling of security did not change for the better. Statistics show that the rate of under aged population increases in violent criminality and aggression among contemporary aged people is becoming familiar. Although data show decrease, 200 thousand people became victim of a crime annual.

The main goals of the project are: training of experts and volunteers, psychological guidance, re-integration of perpetrators in the society and back to the labour market. The project takes place in three areas of the country: Northern Hungary, Northern Plain, and Southern Transdanubia.