Since the amendment of the infringement act in August, the number of shop-lifting fell by 40 percent, according to the feedback of traders working in large towns – said Sándor Pintér, Minister of Interior, at the annual evaluation presidency meeting of the National Militia Association (NMA) on Friday.

Before assuming office Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Union had made plans to improve public security and stricter enforcement of infringements against property. As Sándor Pintér noted, after having been elected to govern, the work started in enactment too. During this process, they made it possible that the infringement against property could be smitten by closing up the person, apart from the fact that s/he was under aged. It gained significant retentive power not only in small settlements but in larger towns as well. Until 3 December such legal treatment occurred in 18,473 cases since the measure took effect on 9 August. The courts levied 3684 days of imprisonment against 581 people. These numbers show the reason for existence of the measure.

The Minister evaluated the co-operation between the police force and the military excellent and asked for the members of the militia to look up further steps necessary in the interest of improving of public security and public order. Sándor Pintér emphasized that the military needed the assistance and support of the government for the good performance. The Minister informed the audience that according to the budget draft for next year, 700 Million Forints of assistance will be available for the military.

András Túrós, chairman of the NMA drew in his annual evaluation, that militiamen performed nation-wide enthralling. In ten thousand cases they caught perpetrators in the act, and gave hundred thousand signals to associate-authorities. The common service of the police and the militia amounted 1.7 Million hours. Regional commissioners became the professional guardians of the associations. It revised the opinion about the public security among people living in small settlements.