The Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI) to prevent and combat cross-border crime was adopted in Bucharest on 26th May 1999. In order to develop SECI Center a Convention (Convention on the Establishment of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center - SELEC) was signed – as a result of intensive negotiations over nearly 3 years - on 9th December 2009 in Bucharest.

Following the necessary ratifications by the Member States SELEC Convention entered into force on 7th October 2011 and first meeting of the SELEC Council – the supreme decision-making body of SELEC – was held between 25 and 26 October 2011. Necessary documents for the operation of the organization, such as the Council’s Rules of Procedure, the organizational structure and guidelines on management selection procedure have been laid down.

SELEC as an international legal entity has real autonomy, it is recognized as an international organization and it is entitled to acquire rights and to take responsibility. Staff of SELEC enjoys privileges and immunities ensured in international legal rules. SELEC is authorized during its law enforcement activity (customs, police and border guards) to manage data and to create database – having regard to these activities one of the most important and most elaborated part of the Convention is the data protection provision. SELEC Convention provides wide range of opportunities for the implementation of joint operative actions (joint investigation team) and it ensures cooperation with other law enforcement organizations (Europol, Interpol).

SELEC as an international legal entity provides a unique expanding and strengthening organization for Hungary. SELEC will support operative cooperation (e.g. establishment of joint investigation team) between affected States. The strong and well-established law enforcement organization in the region aims at European interests and goals it delivers an area of freedom, security and justice.

Official website of SELEC is
