Ministry of Human Resources

Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Resources

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Third national report on children’s rights

Ministry of Human Resources, November 15, 2012 5:49 PM

According to the 44th article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, every signatory country is obliged to send annual reports informing the international organisation about the measures each country has taken in order to implement the conventions’ articles.

State awards and diplomas of merit for Hungarian athletes

Ministry of Human Resources, November 15, 2012 11:10 AM

Those Olympians and Paralympians who were unable to attend the gala and award ceremony on 17 September 2012, were granted state awards and diplomas of merit at the Ministry of Human Resources on 14 November.

Cultural diplomacy in focus

Ministry of Human Resources, November 8, 2012 4:34 PM

Cultural diplomacy should make full use of the interest currently being shown in Hungary around the world, Ministry of Human Resources Zoltán Balog, told Hungarian cultural diplomats on Thursday.

Zoltán Balog holds negotiations in France

Ministry of Human Resources, November 7, 2012 6:00 PM

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog declared in Paris that the fact that the French socialists and the Hungarian centre-right government have launched similar programs in many areas is a signal that the classical right-left wing ideological oppositions are rolling back in the act of solving concrete social problems like the integration of Roma people, employment, the issue of culture support and the employment of women.
Following negotiations with several members of the French government, the Minister of Human Resources emphasized the public work connected to education and signified that a lot of his French partners had congratulated Hungary on its pioneering role in the European Roma strategy.

A positive image of the Roma must be developed and their middle class supported

Ministry of Human Resources, November 5, 2012 4:33 PM

The Roma minority should trust in the rights afforded them by the constitution and break its victim mentality while the majority should stop sweeping Roma problems under the carpet, Hungary's Minister of Human Resources told “The future of the European Roma” conference on Monday.

Minister of Human Resources in France on a four-day visit

Ministry of Human Resources, November 5, 2012 4:32 PM

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog is in France between 3 and 6 November on an official visit, where amongst others he is meeting with five French Ministers, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland and will participate in „The future of the European Roma” conference in Strasbourg.

Ministry of Human Resources to announce a 860 million forints tender for homeless care

Ministry of Human Resources, October 31, 2012 4:08 PM

In a months’ time, the Ministry of Human Resources will call another tender for the integration and social support of the homeless, the State Secretary for Social, Family and Youth Affairs stated on Wednesday.

Hungarian cinema in the spotlight at the Spanish MUCE film festival

Ministry of Human Resources, October 31, 2012 3:50 PM

Hungarian cinema will be at the center of the Spanish film festival MUCE (Muestra de Cine Europeo Ciudad de Segovia, City of Segovia Festival of European Cinema). The program of the one-week-long festival, which begins on 14 November, was presented in the Hungarian Embassy in Madrid.

New advanced legal status for Hungarian Red Cross

Ministry of Human Resources, October 29, 2012 1:38 PM

Following an initiative from the Hungarian Red Cross, the Government has drafted new legislation to regulate the operational environment of the humanitarian organisation, as an acknowledgement of the exemplary activities the NGO has carried out in Hungary for very many years. The social debate on the proposal began on 27 October.

Government spends 8.5 billion forints on homeless services

Ministry of Human Resources, October 29, 2012 10:40 AM

By the end of the year the government will have spent 8.5 billion forints (EUR 30m) on services to homeless people, Miklós Soltész, State Secretary for Social, Family and Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources said on Saturday.