Ministry of Human Resources

Zoltán Balog

Minister of Human Resources

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Minister of Human Resources presents Fraknói Prizes

Ministry of Human Resources, November 28, 2013 1:52 PM

Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog presented Fraknói Prizes in Budapest today.

Poverty must be eliminated with job offers, says Minister of State Kovács

Ministry of Human Resources, November 28, 2013 9:43 AM

Elimination of poverty must be addressed with offering jobs, not with social subsidies, the state secretary for social inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources said in Brussels.

Norwegian partnership agreement between the Government and local organisations

Ministry of Human Resources, November 28, 2013 8:25 AM

Deputy State Secretary for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of Human Resources Péter Garai attended the initial meeting of the project "Capacity-building in municipalities through Norwegian-Hungarian cooperation", which was awarded aid from the Norway Grants.

European Ministers for Education discuss improving the efficiency of education

Ministry of Human Resources, November 27, 2013 4:51 PM

Effective leadership in education and the effects of information technology on educational methods were discussed by the European Ministers for Education at the meeting of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council in Brussels. At the meeting, in representation of Hungary, Minister of State for Public Education Dr. Rózsa Hoffmann also expressed her views on these issues.

Hungarian Government grants HUF 300 million to the Chess Federation

Ministry of Human Resources, November 27, 2013 2:22 PM

The Hungarian Government is providing a one-time supplementary grant of 300 million forints to the Chess Federation.

Significant advances at the National Ambulance Service

Ministry of Human Resources, November 27, 2013 2:18 PM

The National Ambulance Service will soon receive 178 new ambulance units, more than 20 new ambulance stations are under construction and 60 stations are currently being renovated.

Commemorating the game of the century: Hungary 6-3 England

Ministry of Human Resources, November 26, 2013 7:55 AM

"60 years ago the Hungarians and the Hungarian football team achieved a world-renowned victory. A victory that we and the world will remember not just for sixty years, but very probably until the end of time", Minister of State for Sport and Youth Affairs István Simicskó said at the commemorative event held by the Hungarian Football Association (MLSZ) at the Puskás Stadium on Monday, 25 November. On this very day in 1953, the Hungarian national football team beat England 6-3 in the "game of the century" held at Wembley Stadium, breaking the host's 90-year home winning streak.

Minister of State Kovács: Increased demand for social land programme

Ministry of Human Resources, November 25, 2013 5:57 PM

There is increasing demand for the social land programme; therefore, the increased allocation of HUF 250 million assigned for this purpose will also be available in 2014 or may even increase, Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources stated.

Consultation in Bratislava regarding the education of disadvantaged children

Ministry of Human Resources, November 22, 2013 11:37 AM

The conference that was attended by Minister of State for Social Inclusion Zoltán Kovács from the Ministry of Human Resources focused on the topic of the integrated education of disadvantaged children, including Roma children. Press release.

People with disabilities can count on the Government, Minister of State for Sport says

Ministry of Human Resources, November 21, 2013 2:38 PM

Minister of State for Sport Pál Szekeres announced at a press briefing on Thursday that the Government supports the civil initiative which aims at improving the accessibility of the Liszt Ferenc International Airport for people with disabilities.