The new National Core Curriculum (NAT) was accepted by the Government. Praising the new document the Minister of Social Resources said: „It can be a cohesion to our nation.”

The new National Core Curriculum was presented by the Minister of Social Resources and the State Secretary for Education at Thursday’s press conference.

The Government’s spokeperson András Giró-Szász said: „With the new government taking over the control it turned out that there had been a number of state systems needing a full revision. The shortcomings of the hungarian public education system were identified as such by many audits. Beside the new Public and Higher Education Acts the National Core Curriculum is intended to correct the errors of the education system.”- he said. „The education is a basic task of the Government however the institutions retain their autonomy and pupils can have access to the same standard of education in all parts of the country.” – he added.

Zoltán Balog praised and acknowledged the efforts of the State Secretary for Education who was able to manage the preparation of the Core Curriculum during the organizational transformation of the Ministry. The minister called it a durable and modern document and pointed out: „By creating a common knowledge the new Core Curriculum can be a cohesion to our nation.”

„Education and learning are one of the most important resources and the National Core Curriculum was made accordingly. It represents a national public property which is the minimum of our national literacy.”- he said.

„Yesterday’s decision was preceded by years of preparation works and it is strongly supported by prestigious people in the field of culture. –he said.

„The National Core Curriculum (NAT) is the third most important document after the Public and Higher Educaton Acts.”-the State Secretary said.

„The Core Curriculum is of high value, modern, and in line with the latest trends in the EU.”

„The new National Core Curriculum is partly a return to the old traditions and the minimum standards of national literacy were also determined with it.” – she said.

„Works on the Core Curriculum have not yet been completed as the collection of the framework curriculums are currently being prepared. It is an obligation and right of the schools to choose from these curriculums. Under certain controlled conditions there is room for experimentations and therefore a chance for equal treatment.” – she stated.

She also spoke about the circumstances and conditions that had a great impact on the Core Curriculum. A team of experts of around 150 people participated in the preparation works on the new Core Curriculum ranging from teachers to academicians. The final document was approved by a Patronage Board.

The document will soon be put forward to the Parliament and will be valid for a period of five years.

(State Secretariat for Education)