Education Ministers discussed active citizenship education, and related educational policy objectives, at an informal meeting in Gödöllő, on 29 March 2011. Acting as the chair of the meeting, Minister of State Rózsa Hoffmann, pointed out, “We must answer the question, to whether our educational systems prepares the youth appropriately, to become active and responsible citizens.”

The Minister of State for Education of the Ministry of National Resources stressed: the purpose of citizenship education is to teach students to think, and responsibly participate in economic, political, social and cultural life. The State Minister argued that not only knowledge is required for this, but also the development of certain skills and attitudes. “We are seeking answers to the new challenges of the 21st century. We must teach our youths how to face problems, such as the global economic crisis; as active citizenship provides a framework for all this”, Ms Hoffmann stressed.

European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Andrulla Vassiliou, said, “The crisis made it clear, that we need citizens who can solve their own problems." Our educational and training systems must be better adapted to the needs of society; this is why I am glad that the Hungarian Presidency selected this issue,” the Commissioner said, acknowledging the Presidency’s efforts.

Entrepreneurial skills, financial consciousness

In the first stage of the unofficial meeting, ministers talked about the most important skills necessary for active citizenship. They discussed how European cooperation can contribute to the acquisition of relevant knowledge. The representatives of Member States primarily stressed the importance of the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, and education for financial consciousness, in terms of both successful life and social responsibility. They have fully reviewed different practises, regarding the education of such skills, as well as experiences and initiatives of Member States.

Rózsa Hoffmann underlined, the Hungarian Presidency is working to ensure that education for active citizenship, is represented with appropriate emphasis among the common European objectives, and Member states have set-up the tightest possible cooperation. The Minister of State reminded that this matter, will significantly contributes to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy as well. The Hungarian Presidency also considers the involvement of NGOs important in the work.

The importance of dialoguing between cultures

Speaking to a press conference held in the half-time break of the meeting, Rózsa Hoffmann pointed out, the informal meeting demonstrated the matter of education for active citizenship “received intensive attention from Europe". Every Member State wishes to have its own educational system, which ensures that young people attending school, presently will be able to contribute to their development as conscious citizens. Today we have discussed what we need to put into educational materials in order to achieve this,” Hoffmann underlined. The Minister of State did not conceal her opinion that “Perhaps the global economic crisis could have been less severe, if the youths had adopted a more conscious attitude to decision-making.”

Although education falls within the competence of Member States, Andrulla Vassiliou believes that this matter must be kept on the agenda, “We cannot harmonise education; every Member State must make its own decisions based on that. However, dialogue between cultures, is very important.” The Commissioner also mentioned European programs, which play an important role in education for active citizenship. Ms Vassiliou, also highlighted the importance of continuous teacher training, and e-learning, which takes advantage of high-tech information, and communication technologies.


The significance of volunteering

Since 2011 is the European Year of Volunteering, Member States representatives, also discussed the community activities of students and emphasised their significance, in the strengthening of social responsibility. “2011 is the year of volunteering, so we should not forget that voluntary activities will provide a good opportunity for youths to learn the real meaning of service, and mutual respect; and also to prepare them for taking social responsibility throughout their lives,” said Commissioner Vassiliu. He also added that we need to consider “how this could be taught in a formal, and informal setting.”

The sad phenomenon of violence in schools was also on the agenda of the meeting. The ministers exchanged their relevant experiences, and each of them outlined the opportunities they saw to prevent, and handle violence, within the framework of active citizenship education.  
