The National Core Curriculum (NAT) is the second most important document straight after the National Public Education Act that had been completed before the given deadline – Rózsa Hoffmann pointed out at the Tuesday’s press conference in Budapest.
As the State Secretary said: „The Core Curriculum represents a fundamental transformation of the public education system.” This document is a return to that regulation, which was an important guideline of school work earlier. The regulation was terminated by the previous government in 2003. „Of course the good and valuable components of the previous Core Curriculum will be retained” – she added.
„The National Core Curriculum (NAT) represents those requirements in education, that every pupil needs to meet as the common culture and language are the symbols of togetherness” – the State Secretary underlined.
Rózsa Hoffmann talked about the demands of the society too that had also been included in the Core Curriculum, such as the tuition of the financial literacy.
The collection of the framework curriculum is being prepared at a fast pace. These documents include the exact curricula broken down to classes and will be regulated by the Public Education Act.
The State Secretary also talked about the next step that will be the making of the school-books in line with the new Core Curriculum. „The new public education system is due to be launched on 1 September 2013.” – she added. She also stated that the new Core Curriculum was a result of heated discussions with the general public and the professionals. All the controversial issues have been resolved. „The stance of the patronage board indicates this” – she said.
At the end of the press conference the State Secretary pointed out the importance of a survey involving 1000 people. The results of this survey will be made available to the press on Friday and will definitely show the huge support of the National Core Curriculum within the society.
(State Secretariat for Education)