Minister of State for Social Inclusion Zoltán Kovács and Mayor Gergely Szabó outlined the inclusion programmes implemented in the locality of Harsány, which involve public works, culture and education.

Mr. Kovács, from the Ministry of Human Resources, and the Mayor of Harsány showdased the local core competence development training project to visitors and presented the municipal pig farm established as part of the public works scheme.

Attendees were also acquainted with the educational programme entitled „The music is within you!” which was awarded the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic on the occasion of the Hungarian Culture Day, also receiving a ministerial acknowledgement of merit.

The locality of Harsány in Borsod County was among the first in the country to start the implementation of a self-sustaining community project from its own resources at the beginning of 2011, thanks to which the families who found employment on the farm operated under the auspices of the public works scheme now live in steadily improving and more secure conditions, and their children are able to regularly attend kindergarten or school under relatively favourable circumstances. The municipality has successfully applied for funding from the Social Land Programme, as part of which they have been awarded some HUF 6 million and have been able to provide long-term employment for 46 people. A value-creating public works programme has also been operating successfully in Harsány for a number of years, in which 153 people took part last year.

(State Secretariat for Social Inclusion)