State Secretary for Cultural Affairs László L. Simon will open Romanian Film Week on the evening of 5 October at the Uránia National Film Theatre.

The motto of the week-long event, organised for the seventh time, is “Anniversaries and Friends”, referring to the 20-year-old Romanian Culture Institute in Budapest, its 5-year-old affiliate in Szeged and the 100th anniversary of the first successful Romanian feature film. The event will start on 5 October with an opening ceremony at 19:00 that will also be attended by film producer Tudor Giurgiu and actor Áron Diményi from Romania.

Four feature films and two documentaries will be screened, most of which have already been successful at international film festivals. The films have been directed by: Silviu Purcărete, Radu Gabrea, Radu Jude, Anca Damian, Anca Hirte and Krisztina Deák.

(Ministry of Human Resources)