The Hungarian Embassy in Vienna is the fourth venue to host the “Repainted reality 2.0” exhibition which opened in the Austrian capital on Thursday. The exhibition, originating from the National Gallery in Budapest, displays paintings by disabled and non-disabled painters alike.

“If we experience how disabled people create art and enjoy their exhibits, this can give us a whole new level of understanding of their lives and allow for a better relationship with them” – State Minister for Social and Family Affairs Miklós Soltész said at the opening of the exhibition, which can be viewed in Vienna until 6 February.

The exhibition, curated by Bernadette Dán from the Hungarian National Gallery, has already been on display in Budapest, Rome and Berlin. The paintings are not marked as being created by disabled or non-disabled people. The Vienna exhibition is jointly sponsored by the Hungarian Ministry for Human Resources, Hungary’s Balassi Institute and the Hungarian National Gallery.

At each new venue, the exhibition gains the works of local artists, and thus it now also includes paintings by Austrian artists. The exhibition will continue to tour Europe and will return to Budapest at the end of this year.

(Ministry of Human Resources)