Minister of State for Public Education Dr. Rózsa Hoffmann presented prizes to local authorities within the framework of the National Talent Programme at the Hungarian National Museum on 6 December 2013. This is the first time that the title „Talent-friendly Local and Minority Government” has been awarded by the Ministry of Human Resources.

The awards are warded to municipalities according to the number of young people receiving different forms of talent coaching and support, the differentiated interpretation of talent development activities, their proportionality to the operating conditions of the local government, as well as to the establishment of its networking at an international level.

The primary guideline behind the award system is that talented students, their teachers and other professionals, who participated in the preparation of students, should have direct access to rich experiences rather than to only virtual experiences and rewards; this system may encourage them to practice teaching and learning as a regular excercise outside the school system.

Minority governments that win first prize can participate in inspiring programmes within the field of talent care, such as participation in a ten-day international field trip, within the framework of which the participants will pay a visit to the CERN Research Centre, as well as other cultural heritage venues that facilitate the efficient understanding and elaboration of European heritage including participation in a one-day programme of museum pedagogy organised by the Hungarian National Museum.

Prizes were awarded to the municipalities of Balatonfüred, Tata, Szolnok, and Szada, as well as to the Roma minority government of Hejőkeresztúr and the National Roma Self-government.

(Ministry of Human Resources)